Monday, December 9, 2013

Ian helps me do some scandalous calculations...(javascript, HTML, CSS)

So, earlier today I was chatting with Ian on gchat (which I have up all the time during work guyz, add me) and he mentioned that he was making a javascript. He said it was a simple calculator, nothing scientific... add, subtract, multiply, divide... so I was dumbfounded.

"That sounds so easy, that sounds like your mom" I said, turning to everyone in the world to address their respective mothers. Then he sent me a link to this.

Immediately I was like WHAT. I have no experience with anything other than my silly python/javascript console. Never have I fiddled around with GUI stuff, or HTML.. or CSS... so we endeavored to play around with it and experiment via google Hangout later in the evening.

I was a HTML and CSS virgin. I asked Ian to be gentle. He rocked my world. Sometimes he was rough, sometimes he comforted me through the ordeal and through my frustration.. most of the time I felt amazing while I was workin' dat code.

So first Ian referred me to Dash to run through the introductory stuff and develop a light understanding of HTML. I had experimented before (literally for like, 5 minutes back in the MySpace days I think) and never came away really understanding what was going on.

All in all it was good. Hyper Text Mark-up Language and Cascading Something Something are TOTALLY my bitches now. Kinda. Sorta. They return my calls once in a while, is what I'm trying to say.

With that Ian helped me create the worst 'calculator' you could ever imagine, but it was something I didn't think I'd ever be able to do 12 hours ago.

It was really great having someone there with me, guiding me through and making sure I understood what was going on and testing me each time I did something wrong, or overlooked something. Brought me back to the times I'd harass good ol' Dan Miller and have him help me out.

Anyway, very excited to being a sort of pupil of Ian's. Stay tuned in if you want to read more boring shit about my n00bc0d3r adventures.

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