You know what, Esha? Why don't you make your own website for your shitty restaurant that ONLY HAS THREE DISHES AND ONE OF THEM IS A DESSERT. Also how about you learn how to describe your dishes? Here we go, let's do this one...
Are you fucking kidding me, Esha? Maybe your business sucks because you don't know what you're selling people and you're charging them 22 dollars for it. I don't think my super awesome HTML skills can help you, Esha. I really don't. BUT I'LL TRY ANYWAY.
In this lesson I'm learning about spans, gradients, transparency, and web fonts. Good ol' Ian tried to teach me about what a span was for a second and it basically was "it's kind of like a div but it's not"... that's all I remember, anyway. Gradients sound... fine? Transparency sounds fine as well... web fonts: comic sans all the way.
OKAY. But today I'm probably only going to do spans because I have videogaming to do. So.. SPANS. I guess I was really bad at listening to Ian because a span tag will let you change the formatting of whatever is inside the span, even if the greater tag, such as a paragraph tag, is telling it to do something else. You give each span a class name, and adjust the style from there in CSS. MAGICAL.
So then we encounter a problem... we're trying to take some prices and justify them to the right of the page, as opposed to the rest of the paragraph which is justified left. But then the span jumps up and is like "Whoa now, cowboy, I'm an inline element. I don't swing that way. I'm only block-element-curious when I'm like, really drunk".. which means that, because it's inline the element extends toward the end of the page and doesn't wrap around, so you can't be like "go all the way to the right" because it can do that for infinity. I think.
So then you have to float some more booze to our "totally inline" hot friend there and suddddenly he's so right-aligned you could throw a hotdog through the air and he'd catch it with his butt cheeks. Cuz floats will let you slide your element around inside the container element (in this case the paragraph, I believe) and you can just throw that bad-boy against the right wall and go to town.
So anyway that's what's up with spans. You can quote me.
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