Saturday, May 18, 2013

More Udacity, some thoughts on D&D, and more.

So I decided to get back into Udacity and proceed on to Lesson 2 of their Introduction to Computer Science course. My first step in preparation of this was to go out to the store and buy a 4-pack of Monster Energy drinks (fun fact, Monster Energy is a client of my current employer).

It only took, like, 5 minutes for me to be reminded of a very important and basic concept in coding that I probably learned a long while ago. It involved procedures(functions):

It's kinda really embarrassing that I didn't have an active knowledge of this; variables input into a function aren't modified by that function, even if they have the same names.

Ah well. I did some simple exercises on functions before Udacity blew the rape whistle at me and decided to block my connection to the website for the evening... next time I'll bring it flowers and chocolate.

In other news I learned that my D&D character was introduced in my old DM's new campaign and managed to kill one of his players before dying, which is great. It brought back a bunch of nostalgia and nerdy warm-feelings. I'd love to make some online D&D tool... customize your characters, define abilities and such.. D&D was a zone I never wanted to venture into as a nerd but when I did I fell in love. Anyone who has tried to make, or knows someone who tried to make, something like this should drop me a comment.

ALSO.. my 1.5 year relationship kiiinda ended yesterday so I'm dealing with some weird feelings, which is why I haven't done more with Python this weekend. Tomorrow I'll try and devote myself to more rigorous training, and I will persist through Udacity's cold-shoulder it keeps giving me. Peace, Love, and Unicorns everyone. <3

1 comment:

  1. Catching up on your bloggy blogness. Three things:

    A) I love that sloth from the previous post. I want to steal it, name it Bartleby, and train it to juggle in slow motion.

    2) I didn't know him, but I like seeing you happy, so I kind of liked Giles. I hope he didn't do something dickish and I hope you're feeling better. *giant Internet hugs*

    C) I went to a place called Hobby Land and ended up buying a model kit. I'm officially 9 years old. There were some guys at a table near the back, playing a game with a bunch of little figurines. (The sign said Warhammer.) It looked very dorky, but they seemed happy and it made me think of your D&D stuff. That's how I ended up back here, poking through your blog. Nifty tale, eh?

    A fourth thing: I played the "Now With 100% More Violence" version of your game and I laughed so hard. It was really funny and I'm proud of you for aiming to be even more awesome. Keep up the good work!

    A fifth thing: I'm sorry there's nothing useful in this comment, in regards to the actual subject of your blog. (Alas, I don't do much coding beyond HTML.) For what it's worth, I hope a magical coding pixie pops up and helps you very soon.
