Hi. My name is Mike. I have no idea how Blogger works yet, but one step at a time..
I am beginning my quest to ENSLAVE ALL THE COMPUTERS!
My good friend Dan Miller, as jazzy as he is, is helping to inspire me to further develop my skills as a coder.
Step 1: Complete the Flatiron School Prework (http://prework.flatironschool.com/ roughly 80-100 hours worth of work) to learn great new things like Git Version Control, SQL and Databases, HTML, CSS, Javascript and jQuery, Ruby, and Ruby on Rails.
Step 2: Possibly collaborate with Dan on a few projects, just to test the waters of being a real programmer.
Step 3: Continue my studies, put as much money as I can from my current job into a savings account, accumulate enough for roughly 6 months of unemployment, and then enroll in a developer bootcamp such as Flatiron, Hacker School, or App Academy.
Please follow me on my journey. Also, hit me up on twitter (mkurtz424) if you want to yell at me, tell me I suck, or other things.
As a friend, I'd like to say "Good luck!" and the incredibly corny phrase "I believe in you!" at the outset. In case you're absolutely terrible, I'll also add "You royally suck!" to cover all possible outcomes.