Wednesday, February 12, 2014


So some CRAZY THINGS have been going on and I've been pretty busy.. but now things are calming down significantly and I'm going to have a lot more time to devote to code.. (I probably sound like a broken record... I've said this so many times..)

every day i'm shufflin' -- shufflin' -- shuff -- shufflin' -- shufflin'

Anyway, the last post I made was about a balloon-popping game I was going to be working on with Ian (Mac-Daddy) the web-ninja. Well, I finally got around to it.

What Ian gave me was a little base code to work with.. basically a stage where red dots would pop up in random locations. If you clicked the dot, it animated and "popped" and added a point to the bottom of the page.

There were some buggy things we fixed together.. for example, if you clicked really fast on a "balloon" while it was "popping", it would register multiple points.. not good.

Anyway, after fixing some things I started ADDING some things! Now, there are the beginnings of a "lives" system, where instead of playing until time ran out (lame) you play until you suck too hard (swallow it).


You (will be able to) lose lives by not popping balloons fast enough. To combat you being REALLY CRAPPY and losing all your lives, once in a while a heart will pop up in the staging area. Inside the heart will be a random letter (A-Z, not cAsE-sPeCiFiC) and if you type that letter in-between popping balloons, the heart will burst and you will get another life to play with (max of 3 lives).

Here's a stunning and visually dynamic preview of the game IN ACTION (without my mouse cursor because screenshots don't dig mouse cursors):

fucking fantastic

Soon, everyone will be able to pop some balloons! I don't know if I can do a "high score" board or anything, so until then, I'll probably have you guys email me screenshots of your super high scores. Yay.

Thanks for reading! #n00bc0d3r #yolo #swag