Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Pop mah motha-fukkin balloons! (HTML, JavaScript)

Howdy folks! It's me, the n00bc0d3r, back to tell you about some n00bc0d3 I am trying to muster up the strength to work on.

My good friend Ian yelled at me and told me to make a website. So I have, kind of, the beginnings of a little website (look at how awesome it is in this screenshot):


Anyway. One of the pages (I'll have to add it to the nav bar up top) will be a little balloon-pop game! Ian has already made a huge chunk of it.. a little box that spawns divs in it at random locations, and when the user clicks on a div it has a little pop "animation" and then you get points.

The divs spawn constantly every 2 or 3 seconds about. If you leave it alone, I'm sure the entire window will just be full of little "balloon" divs.

What I'd like to make happen with this game:

  • As each balloon is popped, the time between balloon-spawns decreases slightly.
  • Balloons that are not popped within double the time that they take to spawn are DESTROYEDDDD and the player loses one life. Lose 5 lives and game over.
  • Over time, the chance for another div, a little heart, to pop up in the background that awards the player one life (max 5 lives) will increase. The trick to getting this extra life is not to click on it, but to type in the appropriate letter on your keyboard. The letter will be shown inside the heart.

That's all for now! I haven't even begun trying to tinker with what Ian has already made because I took one look at the code he wrote and was like "I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THIS SAYS WHAT IS THE POINT OF MY LIFE"

I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Personal Home Page Hypertext Pre-Processor (PHP)

That's what PHP stands for. It's an acronym inside of an acronym.




Personal Home Page Hypertext Pre-Processor


Saturday, January 4, 2014

Done with Dash!

Well I know I didn't post for a while because I was being a silly billy, but I've finished Dash.

I figured summarizing literally everything I do in each dash tutorial was kind of cheap and annoying so FUCK THAT NOISE. I'm done with Dash and you bitches can deal with it!

I can't say I'd recommend Dash to a friend, because I walked away from it not knowing much. Sure, I did a lot.. and it was easy to kind of understand what was going on when I was doing it, but I didn't retain much from Dash. All of it was written right there in front of me. "Oh hey, type this exact thing in. You're such a 1337 c0d3r."

But it was nice to do! And a good starting point. I think I'll pay my husband Bucky Roberts a visit and look at this HTML5 TUTORIALS because his content is always enjoyable. Also did I mention he's a cutie?

Oh yeah babi.

Anyway, much thanks to my friend Ian for introducing me to dash and getting me started with html. For now I'll go back to fiddling around with code academy I suppose! Also I need to get another set of flashcards so I can drill syntax and all. Woohoo.

Bye guyz.